Thursday, October 3, 2013

September Wrap-up

September had a lot going on for us...

Staycation (we took off work from August 26-September 2) included a lot of relaxing, some winery visits, and spending an outrageous amount of $$ on our fat kitty for removing 23 teeth and cleaning up his mouth from severe gingivitis...the fact that he is more spunky and no longer radiates stink; the $$ was well worth it!

Our favorite winery to date - Glen Manor Vineyards. Small winery but the owners are very passionate and it comes through in their wines. Check out their website to read about the history of the property and owners.

Having lunch on the patio at Delaplane Cellars. Next few pictures below are the view from the patio.



Gift from DD! Can't wait to see you in December!

 Weekend trips to Blacksburg to visit friends and family!

Celebrating Robert's 35th birthday!

A visit from Uncle Karl, Aunt Norma, Uncle Paul, and our cousin from Germany, Martina!

Last time we saw one another was 2004 on our family visit to Germany.  Here we are 9 years later.

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